Monday, March 16, 2009


We had 6" of wet snow last week so did other stuff around the place.  We worked our off-season job all day Monday, Tuesday and then Wednesday evening.  We do stage work and worked High School Musical on Ice.  Then Friday and Saturday evenings we worked hockey games.  Only 2 more games left.
The snow was thick on the ground so we didn't work on the cabin.  Saturday Tally finally got a chance to work on the soffit.  He even had 2 helpers (not me).  Sunday we did trail maintenance by clearing trees of Trail #40 up Rapid Creek.  We did a 5 mile hike and had a great time.
Here it is Monday and what a fine day.  Temps in the 60's and our friend Mark came out to help.  It was such a productive day for Tally and I stained boards.  
It is supposed to be nice through Thursday so we are focused.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rita,

    Torrey and I are hoping to come up for a weekend in mid April or early May. We are wondering how much snow you have left? Is it melting pretty quick? We are anxious to get up there and be able to ride our dirt bikes. We will be making our reservations soon.

    The Braithwaite's
    Lincoln Ne.
