Thursday, April 30, 2009


Wow, the days are flowing by.  The days have been warm and fairly productive.  We brought home a trailer load of siding and I have been staining.  Tally put a few up and we are on our way to getting things done.  
I have been thatching our yard.  Seems I can't put long hours into it at a time but bit by bit it is getting done.  The chickens are running around eating the grass and bugs behind me as I rake.  Gus, the dog, sits quietly and guards me and the chickens.   It really is pretty to quietly rake and listen to the birds, frogs and the wind in the trees.  The raking motion of the thatcher also gets me in shape for the fire season.  Lots of digging when you build a fire line.
Yesterday we worked at the Civic Center.  We had different hours so Tally rode his bicycle home.  It was a grueling 2-3/4 hours with a headwind.   As he hasn't really been riding much it was good for him to do a long ride.  He was exhausted after the ride and very stiff today.
Give me some sunny days and I will get the spring laundry done.  I am starting with the Signature Cabin as that is the next one rented.  
Oops, here it is Thursday evening 9:00 PM and it is currently snowing!!!  
The Pasque flowers (Crocus) are blooming, they will be pretty in the snow.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

soffit finished and siding started

Time is of the essence as we took advantage of good weather and got the soffit and facia done.
We pulled off the masonite siding and discovered the historical red shingle siding.  

Now we have the shingles off and the exterior prepped for new siding.    The sawmill isn't done making the boards.  We are to get a spat of rainy weather so I hope we can go pick them up and I can start staining while the weather is poor.  Of course there is always yard work if it isn't raining too hard and Tally and I can spend some very productive days inside getting a start on the deep spring cleaning.  
Silver City is starting to come alive with spring.  The crocus are blooming in the woods and in our garden.  All the draws are running with water.  There is more water than we have seen in 14 years.  We did a 14 mile mountain bike ride (had to take time off sometime), it was beautiful with running water along each road.
The resident gobbler is his usual noisy self chasing all the hens in town.  He is pretty full of himself and tends to gobble until mid summer, can't leave any hens out of his harem.  There is a pair of geese in the pond across the road, we are hopping they have a nest and stick around.  

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

cabin progress and good weather

Beautiful day today, I believe it was in the 70's.  Can't believe we had 8" of snow last weekend - April 4.  We took advantage of it and skied the Nugget/Stewart loop, 4 hours and 7.5 miles later we made it home.  
With the Easter holiday and dinner at the parents behind us it is back to the grindstone.  Lots of progress was made yesterday and today.  Board staining is ahead of boards getting put up.  Tally has the gables done on both sides and only has a bit of soffit left. 
Tally pulled some of the masonite siding off and now I believe we are committed to re-siding the cabin.  It adds a few more weeks onto getting things done but it will look so much better.  
Reservations are on track.  I am caught up on desk work and able to get outside stuff done and help Tally.  I think I am helpful anyway.
We are open all year but do drain the cabins if there is a gap between guests.  It is officially time to get the cabins up and running and thoroughly cleaned.  

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Silver City Drama keeps work at a standstill

So nothing ever happens in the quiet little communities.  If you haven't been watching the news we seem to have a missing family.  We do not know any more than the media but we do have an abundance of law enforcement hanging around.  We have a great community hall in an open field and it is the command post for the search.  Between media vehicles, search vehicles and law enforcement vehicles, Silver City Road is busy.  Our phone is ringing off the hook with cabin owners, friends and relatives, not to mention our wonderful Silver City communication network calling to inquire how things are going.
We are well.  Silver City is fine and the search continues, or not. 

On another note.  We had CPR and AED training Saturday and passed.  That is great news for the fire department and future heart attack victims.  Sunday we took the wildland firefighter physical test and passed that too.  It was fun getting together with the other departments.  
Last week, after the blizzard it was just to cold for outside work, Tally just couldn't get in the mood.  No progress was made on the current project.  After this last blizzard (March 30) we went cross country skiing again.  There really is some great skiing when the snow cooperates.