Monday, July 29, 2013

Stewart Gulch Hike

Another hike with friends and family.    We were driven to the starting point of the gate over the top of Stewart Gulch.  From here it is a 2 mile hike to Rapid Creek and a 2 mile walk down the creek to Happy Trails (our house).  It was a girls hike so Tally had to drive back home.
 The Juneberries (serviceberries, sarviceberries) are having a bumper year and of course we found some.

 Coming upon Rapid Creek
 We are all wet to our knees from the tall grasses and the morning dew.
 Mama Mountain Goat and her baby on the hillside.
                                  Looking downstream Rapid Creek.
                                               Just a squirrel.

It was nice to walk the trails, usually I am on a mountain bike and travel faster.  Slowing down and walking was a nice perspective.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Peddlers Path

Great time of year to take a break and enjoy the Black Hills with friends and family.  We started in Mystic and walked the shortcut "Peddlers Path" to Slate Creek to trail #40 back home to Silver City.  Met friends in the woods, go figure, only in South Dakota can you go back into the woods and meet up with someone you know.  The following pictures say more than I ever can.
Peddlers Path

Blue Bells

Looking down on Rapid Creek

Slate Creek at Trail #40

Trail #40
Horse Talis


Bridges across Rapid Creek


Sunday, June 30, 2013


     We are in the midst of our summer hosting.  Can't believe we are geting ready to celebrate the 4th of July already.  Lots of parades and fireworks around the Black Hills.  We prefer the Belle Fourche Parade.  It is a bit of a drive but well worth it.  It is a great full fledged parade with candy, politicians, horses and a water fight going on throughout with the culmination of wetness occuring when the fire departments go by.
     Our grandchildren were here last week.  Yes, their parents were here too.  We did the full Silver City experience - inner tubing, ATV riding, fishing, hiking, mountain biking on trail #40.  The fishing was great with all fish caught eaten for dinner.  For one grandson that was the highlight as he even used a knife for the first time to gut the fish, great yuck factor.
     The garden, as usual, gets a bit out of control and all control freaks are welcome to visit it and whip it into shape.  It is fun to spend time down there with the hummingbirds whipping around.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wonderful snow

Yes, we received some wonderful snow, 20" in Silver City and 14" in Hill City.  We opened the Boxcar Cabin and Cottage for guests during the great warm weather.  Now we hope the heaters are on high enough and nothing freezes.  Taxes are done and I am waiting for the snow to melt and weather to warm so I can start on the cabin laundry and hang it outside on the clothesline.  
Snow time was spent finishing the updating of the Hill City Home master bedroom.  We repainted and put new carpet down.  It sure looks cozy and inviting.  I even painted the closet, a house built in 1885 sure has some wonderful character and a huge history of changes.  
On a more personal note, the move tothe big city was not a great move for the grey cat.  She found a boyfriend, after having her for 3 years - she came as a stray- we thought she was taken care of.  She had 1 kitten in the midst of the blizzard.  Our daughter named her stir fry, I think it should be munch mouth,  she is well taken care of my momma cat.  I think she may already have a home but let me know if anyone is interested.  We are looking forward to the summer and meeting new guests, welcoming our return guests and especially seeing our good friends and neighbors return to Silver City from their winter lives.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It is the time of year to revamp our web site  We tried to get it done earlier but Tally (the IT guy) has to relearn HTML when it has been awhile since last used.  He decided to give the page a fresher look and with our Hill City home we needed to add cabins to our list.  Feel free to give us advice.

I am trying to update the bog more often.  We are excited about the 2013 season.  Reservations are coming in and managing a few additional cabins help round out what we can offer our vacationers.  We do not have chickens any more but I already have ideas for the garden am planning what to put in and where.  The soil is not consistent, there is a definite dry patch in the middle that is ideal for onions and squash.  We try to amend it every year and it is slowly improving.  Gardening is ideal for cultivation patience and hope.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Start of 2013

       The new year has started.  Of course we have resolutions.  I had a short interview with the local Hill City Prevailer newspaper, I was asked if I made resolutions and what it was for 2013.  My goal is to listen more.  With that in mind, feel free to remind me this summer if I talk too much.

     We are determined this year to finish some of the projects we started years ago.  We also hope to get some of the upgrades done that we have longed to do.  The past few years of county politics have put us a bit behind both financially and industriously.  Thank goodness it is all behind us now.
      We are in winter mode.  The Boxcar Cabin is being rented monthly by our neighbors contractor.  He is getting a cabin remodel done.  We hope to have the Boxcar Cabin available nightly by the end of January.  I have been reminding Tally to get updates into the computer and website.  We now offer a home in Hill City for summer rentals.  We will be using photos from last summer but have already painted rooms and changed them around.  Updated photos will probably not get done until next spring.
     I took some nice photos of South Dakota as we traveled across it over Christmas.  Hope you enjoy them.