Monday, July 29, 2013

Stewart Gulch Hike

Another hike with friends and family.    We were driven to the starting point of the gate over the top of Stewart Gulch.  From here it is a 2 mile hike to Rapid Creek and a 2 mile walk down the creek to Happy Trails (our house).  It was a girls hike so Tally had to drive back home.
 The Juneberries (serviceberries, sarviceberries) are having a bumper year and of course we found some.

 Coming upon Rapid Creek
 We are all wet to our knees from the tall grasses and the morning dew.
 Mama Mountain Goat and her baby on the hillside.
                                  Looking downstream Rapid Creek.
                                               Just a squirrel.

It was nice to walk the trails, usually I am on a mountain bike and travel faster.  Slowing down and walking was a nice perspective.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Peddlers Path

Great time of year to take a break and enjoy the Black Hills with friends and family.  We started in Mystic and walked the shortcut "Peddlers Path" to Slate Creek to trail #40 back home to Silver City.  Met friends in the woods, go figure, only in South Dakota can you go back into the woods and meet up with someone you know.  The following pictures say more than I ever can.
Peddlers Path

Blue Bells

Looking down on Rapid Creek

Slate Creek at Trail #40

Trail #40
Horse Talis


Bridges across Rapid Creek