Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Now I have a cold

I was complaining awhile back about the cold weather and now I have a cold.  It is miserable.
Seems I am not getting anything truly accomplished these days.   Luckily I was OK on Sunday and we went cross country skiing out our door.  There is a fair amount of snow for Silver City.
On the good side, we are planning on getting our insulation installed next monday.  We are so excited.  There is a bit to get done before they get her on Monday but now with a deadline, we will be in a frenzy of activity.  It will be nice to be warm.
random stump things
The chickens are well and producing.  We get 5 eggs a day from 7 chickens.  They are so friendly and this late in the winter they look fairly ugly.

walking on Pactola Lake
Beaver Dam

Nothing really going on and we have too much time to think.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The first hurdle is done.  We gave our presentation at the County Planning Commission and they voted for it to continue.  We will now give our presentation to the County Commissioners on March 1.  We need everyone to root for us.  It was good to have one dissenter in the room so we can address his concerns in the next presentation.  It is important to let people know that, as this is a conditional use, a potential vacation home rental has to address the neighbors concerns.
On a more fun note.  I found 2 antlers on our hike Monday.  One was found in the yard across the street, the other was from last year.  You can tell the old ones as they look dry and have had mice or squirrels chewing on them.
We have been having such nice weather.  The snow is melting and then freezing so the ice remains.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

cold, cold, cold

Wow, is it cold here in Silver City.  We are so grateful that seasons change and we can rest assured that it will get warmer someday.  The Black Hills were beautiful with the frost heavy in the trees.  All the green pine trees were white, and white on one side in some areas.
I have been working a lot in Rapid City.  The Black Hills Stock Show is going on.  I had fun yesterday evening working the camera for the dog trials.  It was fun to see the collies working the sheep.  We had a Border Collie and she was so smart.   Of course our current dog Gus is pretty smart too but he is still young.  Makes me want to get a few sheep for Gus to try and work with.
Wiring is getting done in the kitchen.  We need to incorporate rewiring the old parts of the house while wiring the kitchen.  Luckily I have patience as everything takes longer than expected.
I have been diligently working on our ordinance amendment.  We are planning on handing it to the P & Z office on friday.  The Planning Commission meeting presentation is set for Feb. 14.  It is actually fun finding facts and material to include in the power point presentation.
In the meantime summer vacation reservations are starting to come in and things are looking well for our cabin rentals.