April showers bring May flowers and we are definitely into the April showers. The Soffit is 90% done, 2 trim boards and some caulking will finish it off. We used all our split firewood so we have taken a bit of time to split and stack some to start it drying for next winter.
The crocus are wonderfully abundant. They are so fun to spot in the woods and the clusters have so many blooms. We got our bee hive on Monday and have the location picked out. It is definitely out of the way so don't worry about bees. We will get bees in 2 weeks.
Tally is biding his time to get onto his spring projects, it takes so long for the ground to dry out enough for him to finish the landscaping at the Boxcar Cabin. In the meantime I have decided to utilize him for a jump start on the deep spring cleaning.
I bought tomato plants and will have to baby them in the house for 4 weeks when the final danger of frost is over. I knew it was a bad idea but I could not resist. When things start to turn green outside it is hard to not want to start gardening. Unfortunately I must wait.
Cabin days are filling up nicely. It is nice to hear guests tell their cabin search story. One woman recently told me she is returning to the Black Hills and, after staying in cabins near the highway last year, extensively researched cabins for something quiet and away from highway noise. She chose us. What a treat.