Can't believe I haven't written since February. The glaciers are finally almost gone and there is a hint of green in the grass. No sign of buds in the trees. There is a symphony of sound from the birds. The ground is still frozen and the heaving has begun. I am so anxious to start the garden.
We decided to try our hand at bees this spring. We will locate them in a quiet out of the way spot and in future years we hope to have honey for our guests.
Nothing much has been happening on the cabins except for rentals. It has been nice to get the occasional winter guest. The ground is too wet and muddy around the Boxcar Cabin to do any work on the exterior.
We took advantage of the time and cold weather last week to relocate my laundry area so we can work on the small room and bathroom in our house, we can work on our place in the summer when the cabins are rented. We will now take a break on that and finish the soffit of the garage. Tally is feeling a bit overwhelmed by the projects left for us to do but we plug away on them and have a feeling of accomplishment when something gets finished.