I have been thatching our yard. Seems I can't put long hours into it at a time but bit by bit it is getting done. The chickens are running around eating the grass and bugs behind me as I rake. Gus, the dog, sits quietly and guards me and the chickens. It really is pretty to quietly rake and listen to the birds, frogs and the wind in the trees. The raking motion of the thatcher also gets me in shape for the fire season. Lots of digging when you build a fire line.
Yesterday we worked at the Civic Center. We had different hours so Tally rode his bicycle home. It was a grueling 2-3/4 hours with a headwind. As he hasn't really been riding much it was good for him to do a long ride. He was exhausted after the ride and very stiff today.
Give me some sunny days and I will get the spring laundry done. I am starting with the Signature Cabin as that is the next one rented.
Oops, here it is Thursday evening 9:00 PM and it is currently snowing!!!
The Pasque flowers (Crocus) are blooming, they will be pretty in the snow.